Saturday, October 25, 2008

Another $30,000 Shot in the Stubby!

After a conversation with one of the contractors working on Grant Avenue we learned that instead of filling in the roadbed and paving or even reusing the existing brick, the city is spending an EXTRA $30,000 for a special asphalt compound that "looks like" brick!!! The City manager tells the Daily News that the city is facing hard times yet they spend 30K on fake brick?


Anonymous said...

I wonder how we the taxpayers are going to pay this bill? Maybe layoffs or just stick it on the water and sewage bill!

The Enforcer said...

Well same shit a different day right? No one cares
right? People post here but the community doesnt care but the police cant do there jobs without the chief taking every stupid ass complaint, how can you expect any change everyone is afraid to do anything.
No change nothing gets any better whats a taxpayer to do?

Anonymous said...

Hmm..stamped ashpalt in lieu of using existing brick with oil prices being where they are. Paving contractors can't even hold their price for a week becuase of oil prices. Smart move.

Anonymous said...

new police cars,$30,000 in- house spy system,fake brick????? Who hit lefty's pool?

Anonymous said...

I believe the city is shorted a lot of earned income tax revenue by working residents who have not reported their residency status to the city. I don't know how this is enforced, if at all.

Absentee landlords and "below-the-radar" workers are defrauding the treasury year after year. This could be a significant source of income for Duquesne.

In the past I tried to bring this to the attention of City Council. Landlords whose sole livelihood is managing residential rental properties in Duquesne should be reporting this as earned income. Newcomers into the city with jobs should be reporting their new residency status in order to receive and complete earned income tax returns.

While some efforts fall on deaf ears, as a citizen and resident, I will not stand silent. I will continue to report crime, pay my taxes, and try to be part of the solution. ANYTHING LESS would make me part of the problem.

I continue to repeat that my police officers do respond quickly when I call. For that my family is most appreciative. Under good leadership, our police force can be among the very best in the nation.

This site is important. We can address our concerns - and we can do this without malice. Our list of concerns goes far beyond teens shooting each other, money for paving Grant Avenue and abuse of video surveillance. And while these issues are serious, so are many others that directly affect the safety and welfare of EVERYONE in and around Duquesne.

Post your concerns, report crimes, help your neighbors, and be part of a solution to improve this city, little by little. Remember, if you sit on the fence, you are not part of any solution.

Anonymous said...

I disagree with the comment everyone is afraid to do anything.Just listen to the police scanner and you hear voices of officers all the time arresting people and doing lots of traffic stops.I believe some of these fine men on our force do care and try to make it a better place to live.I do not believe in all these great conspiracies and Chief Adams to be a criminal.In the nearly 40 years I have known him, he is one of the finest human beings you can meet.With any occupation and any employer, you will have your employees that are disenchanted and hope the boss gets fired. It is par for the course.

Anonymous said...

About your comment that some of the officers here care, I believe that most of the officers care here. Many even have passed up better paying police jobs to stay in this community and serve the people here. As for Chief Adams, if you've known him for 40 years, you should also know that he comes from a family of illegal numbers writers. His dad had a place on First Street and now is son was once called one of the biggest bookmakers in the Mon-Valley. As for his the Chief's ability to police, in his day, he was a good officer and an excellent investigator. Unfortunately, he has broken the law more than once and I have personally seen the documentation to these facts. As in many organizations, there bad apples and Duquesne has its share.