1.) Why were two officers fired in the Spring when the police department was down in manpower during the juvenile, rock-throwing incidents?
m2.) Why wasn't the mayor's cop buddy fired for moving to Munhall while still employed here?
m3.) Now that the city has been ordered to hire those officers back and give them their backpay, why do the taxpayers have to foot the bill (tens of thousands of dollars) for stubby's arrogance and stupidity?
m4.) Why did the city spend thousands of dollars on a camera system for the police station just so lefty can sit at home and watch his officers?
This is your chance to put them on the spot! If you are a taxpayer, they owe you alot of answers. Go to the council meeting at City Hall and DEMAND THEM!!!
In reguards to the 3rd question:
Now that the city has been ordered to hire those officers back and give them their backpay, why do the taxpayers have to foot the bill (tens of thousands of dollars) for stubby's arrogance and stupidity?
Is there some sort of Deja Vue going on in Duq City ? Did'nt we as taxpayers already do this some 7-8 yrs ago by footing the bill of backpay for 2 sgts- Sgt. B***s & Sgt D******y and 1 Lt L***n whom were demoted for supporting the opposing candidate of the current Mayor in an election????
I cannot believe that the City of Duquesne did not learn from this first mistake ???
Does this money include the arbitration fee? Last I heard, the arbiter was 5k each. What about paying that empty-headed retard of a solicitor... I'm sure that even moronic legal advice is not free.
Maybe the assistant chief of police can kick in some of his bookmaking proceeds to help the city pay some bills.
You have to wonder about alot of the legal issues facing the city including the decision to fire officers, the defense in that arbitration, other civil suits against the city, etc. Sounds like the perfect setting for kickbacks. As the city's legal entanglements grow so does the personal wealth of the mayor.
So what are you really pissed off about Shaw? That you got mentioned on the blog or the undenyable fact that sooooo many readers, including your fellow officers, have contributed many negative comments as to what kind of person you really are???
So what happened at the meeting? Did anyone speak on these issues?
The word we got was that the mayor & council had a quick meeting and an even quicker adjournment. Never gave anyone in the nearly FULL HOUSE a chance to speak. Not surprising now, is it?
I didn't think they could bypass public comments and questions. I'm curious whether people tried to speak and were not permitted or if they simply expidited all business and skipped public comments. Either way, is that not a violation of some code or law concerning how they are required to conduct the meeting or would it be a civil rights issue, such as denial of free speech (that's the first amendment incase someone didn't know).
I hear that the Mayor and Council passed several motions and not one question was asked about anything. Is everything done in private meetings or is it just pushed through without any questons.
You do not need council if the Mayor is going to decide everything.
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