Sunday, September 28, 2008

Officer Code of Ethics as per the International Chiefs of Police

The Law Enforcement Code of Ethics as promulgated by the International Association of Chiefs of Police in 1991 is hereby adopted with amendments as included below:
"I will keep my private life unsullied as an example to all and will behave in a manner which does not bring discredit to me or my agency. I will maintain courageous calm in the face of danger, scorn, or ridicule; develop self-restraint; and be constantly mindful of the welfare of others. Honest in thought and deed in both my personal and official life, I will be exemplary in obeying the law and the regulations of my department. Whatever I see or hear of a confidential nature or that is confided to me in my official capacity will be kept ever secret unless revelation is necessary in the performance of duty."
"I will never act officiously or permit personal feelings, prejudices, political beliefs, aspirations, animosities, or friendships to influence my decisions. With no compromise for crime and relentless prosecution of criminals, I will enforce the law courteously and appropriately without fear or favor, malice or ill will, never employing unnecessary force or violence and never accepting gratuities."
"I recognize the badge of my office as a symbol of public faith, and accept it as a public trust to be held so long as I am true to the ethics of the police service. I will never engage in acts of bribery nor will I condone such acts by other police officers. I will cooperate with all legally authorized agencies and their representatives in the pursuit of justice."
Someone in Duquesne didn't get this memo!!!


Anonymous said...

This memo doesn't apply to the chief, anyone related to the chief, or those asked to quit and then are rehired.

Anonymous said...

This "code of ethics" is a farce that just tries to reel in the gullible public who think a police officer is the epitome of what a public servant is supposed to be. Case in point.....seems the officer from Mckeesport who made the news today (9-29-09) didn't give a hoot about this code.

Anonymous said...

A farce maybe but it stands nonetheless and most officers DO follow its standard and are proud to do so. No one can deny the fact that most men and women in law enforcement aren't in the job for the poker machine take and bribes to protect the town's heroin dealers!

Anonymous said...

Ok mister webmaster you brought up ethics, so when are you going to talk about the cop who got fired, quit or whatever for screwing under age girls and giving them booze? Clearly he wanted to impregnate something like his hero the chief. Girls from the ghetto or from the trailer park, they're all the same to shaw!

Anonymous said...

With all this talk about ethics, how is it that Shaw's brother in law or whatever he is can drive around freely in Duquesne when everyone knows he ain't got no license?

Anonymous said...

Duke City's Greatest Police Officer is about to return to the mean streets with her favorite partner and baby daddy! Any guesses on how long it is till he knocks her up? Oh, she may about 15 years to old for him.

Anonymous said...

True that the Duke has a child molester sergeant, but would you rather him check out little boys? He doesn't, that we know about....yet. Though has anyone checked his computer?

Anonymous said...

Here is a psychology lesson for everyone.
For all who attended the going away party about a year ago for the 2 officers who moved on. What did Sgt. Child Molester come dressed as?
Exactly! His biggest fetish. He has no place in Law Enforcement. Please webmaster post those photos. Pictures speak a thousand words.

Anonymous said...

here we go again.... more bullshit from the wonderful citizens of duquesne with more bullshit to spill... I get on this webside because your all retarded.... first off it's 2008 not 2009, buy a friggin calender, second yes some PO are wrong and corrupt but most do the job that they're supposed to do and do it well, so i support the wonderful Police Officers of Duquesne every day. As far as the McKeesport PO, read the story and get the facts and put yourself in his position, I'd do the same goddamn thing if a low-life scum bucket junkie had his boys shoot up my house, and around this neighborhood and probably on this website that's all you have.... Get a job and get off of welfare for one, i'm sick of my tax dollars paying for your rides and your computer and internet etc. Second again you wanna make a difference, do it, don't sit here bitching all day, take the stand and do something. Your all equally worthless for being here.

Anonymous said...

Well then speak up you piece of shit and go be a police officer it's cops like shaw who give police officers the wronjg image. he should not be allowed to ever where a badge and I would never blame the parent who fucking hurts him if he comes near their child boy/girl. He needs to be gone.

Anonymous said...

Ok, you dumb bastards. I've had about enough of this personal crap. I don't even work for this giant kindergarten pretending to be a town, yet you are taking what anoubts to personal shots at me (and others who don't work here). let me settle this one right now...I AM THAT PARTICULAR BABY'S DADDY. If anyone has any aspersions to cast about his fathers identity, I'll be happy to straighten it out for you, though you may not like how I do so. I guess since I (and my new son) haven't done anything to any of you (I dont even work NEAR Duquesne) yet we get insulted and attacked personally, then its OK if the favor is returned? Only maybe some of us have bigger and better connections than you do.

I have more experience in the field, in combat, and investigating than some of you, and I no longer have to follow all of those rules. Want to address the probelms in Duquesne? Be my guest ( I might even agree with some valid points). Want to make personal attacks against me, my son, or his mother? Start the music and let's dance. Bet I am the last one still stepping.....

Anonymous said...

Please, Please, Please post the pic's of Sgt. Molester, so everyone can see the kind of individuals these goofs (mayor and family)down city hall promote!

Anonymous said...

Obviously someone is real pissed off about their mrs. Let me remind you that your little lady EARNED the reputation she has by screwing half of the Mon-valley police departments at one time or another. To name the "few good men": Lets see, Jamie Evans, Joe Coxon, even one or two still in the duke! So get off your high horse and face the reality of her many mistakes. You live with her, you live with her past too!

Anonymous said...

to kuks current man-
listen brother, calm down, dont get mad at the messenger. Not our fault that your now brothers with most of the mon valley that has COME before you. Look before you leap my friend and three letters DNA

Anonymous said...

DDS has an obligation to show the character and morality of Duquesne's newest sgt. Post the pictures of Sgt Molester in his kinky fetish diaper and bonnet! The public demands it

The Concerned Citizens of Duquesne said...

We'd love to post the fetish pic but we can't publish what we don't have.

Anonymous said...

Well, Let me tell you...I have been around cops long enough (and been one myself long enough) to know what kind of stories generally circulate about female officers...if they won't sleep with you they are either a lesbian or they are sleeping with everyone else, and if they do sleep with you they are a whore. Thanks for the advisement, guys, but I have met enough of the little boro cops to form my own opinions. I don't wnat to make this a personal thing, since this is not the place for it. Perhaps someone's fiance can help on this one. Maybe she is the one you are thinking of? Anyway, say what you want while you can anonymously. When you think you can hang enough to malign me or my son again, bring it on. I have dealt with tougher, "badder" dudes than any of you can ever hope to be. And don't be that prowler in my yard during the hours of darkness.

Anonymous said...

Wow....nine years of living in the city of Pgh, with its corrupt council, and adminstration,plus a Federal Consent Decree...and I had to go all the way to Duquesne to be ashamed of where I live. Thanks, guys.

Anonymous said...

Enough of this. Time to realize its just not worth it. Been enough places doing REAL service work.Those of you in the wrong will be your own undoing. Just in case, though, keep these numbers handy:
Dept of Justice Corruption Hotline

The Pgh Legal Defense Ctr

Just a thought....someone here may need these. And some bail money.

Anonymous said...

“Can't we all... just... get along?”

-Rodney King