If you have any photos that you'd like to share, just send them to:
The City of Duquesne is no longer the personal playground of the mayor, police chief and all of their cronies. The days of nepotism, corruption and illegal activity are coming to an end. Their "Dirty Secrets" are out. In case you were wondering, all of the information contained on this blog is a matter of public record, so there!
yep just another way for you to show the horrible things the city does, screw all the good things we attempt to do.... you all need to get a life... i'll continue to monitor these threads because i'm curious how long it'll be until myself or someone else that i know becomes the topic of your garbage nonsense bullshit.... enjoy
Maybe if you're a no good, taxpayer-money thieving low life piece of shit like some others we see in city hall, yea your name may be here someday too!
half of the Duke has those graphic nude pics of cookie monster she took of herself. PLEASE DONT post those and scare people away from this site. The #1 website and most entertainment in this town.
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