Thursday, May 29, 2008

And Now, A Word From Our Sponsors

With regard to the posted comments, we have permitted 98% of all comments that we have received. The other 2% however, we have not posted for viewing. The purpose of this blog is to expose the waste, corruption and illegal, (we repeat ILLEGAL) activity that continues in city hall. This blog is a forum for that information only and not a platform for small-minded idiots to use for personal attacks, name calling and outright cruel vendettas. Therefor, if you want to call someone a "crack whore" or "piece of shit," say it to their face or start your own blog but it will not appear here.

As for our stance, we have whenever possible, showed the links, paperwork, etc. that proves our point. If you don't like it, don't read it! As for now, we will remain in the background but we promise this: Once Krivacek is out of office and Adams is prosecuted for his many criminal actions, our goals will be attained and we will come out of the shadows and show all who we are.
... and now, back to our regulary scheduled program.

1 comment:

DRS said...

Well, Amen to that. I was starting to get a little aggravated myself. I have been in law enforcement for 21 years...I know how cops can be, but personal attacks online lead nowhere good, and fast. Maybe they should teach Libel and Slander in the MPOETC updates this year.....
In any case....Exposing corruption=GOOD.....Libel=BAD!
Grow up people, before you lose your good standing with the community as well.