Wednesday, May 21, 2008

The More We Dig, The More We Find

It is refreshing to know that we aren't the only people who are fed up and disgusted with the years of lousy management, greed and continued nepotism. Thanks to all who continue to send us more dirty secrets. Your comments and emails are appreciated. We have so much more to share and of course prove.
FYI - We've not heard from stubby and crew but I guess you can't deny what's in black & white (or black & blue).


Anonymous said...

Well to start I was a former police officer in that hell hole. I worked there for several years before I wised up and left to get a real police job.
When I was there I noticed several state citations I wrote or select people I arrested would never go to court and when asked about the tickets they said "they disappeared". Amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!. Anyways I was asked several times to go to the Sportman’s Bar on Crawford Avenue to advise the bar owner to pay Scott or Lefty the money or the machines would be gone. I personally never did it and that being said never got my full time slot.
I pray that left and Scott and the rest of the criminals with badges go down.

Anonymous said...

How is it, you could stand by after leaving and do nothing if this is true? Thru the years all these things have gone on and no one so much as made a phone.
Totally amazing !

DRS said...

Not so surprising, really. See....there are those who see wrong and join it, those who see wrong and ignore it, and those who see wrong and right it. Most people are in the second group, some are in the first, but a very few are in the third. Reminds me of a quote from Ronald Reagan in 1985: "Some people spend an entire lifetime wondering if they made a difference. MARINES DON'T HAVE THAT PROBLEM."

DRS said...

Not so surprising, really. See....there are those who see wrong and join it, those who see wrong and ignore it, and those who see wrong and right it. Most people are in the second group, some are in the first, but a very few are in the third. Reminds me of a quote from Ronald Reagan in 1985: "Some people spend an entire lifetime wondering if they made a difference. MARINES DON'T HAVE THAT PROBLEM."

Anonymous said...

Well you are right ! May God have mercy on all of us those who run the city and the police dept and those who try to do there jobs as officers !

Anonymous said...

I think that more needs to come out about the way the police are treated in this town. Ones who should be promoted or left alone are being punished, while the others who "kiss ass" are not being bothered at all. Look at the facts. Lefty promoted an officer to sergeant who should not even be working due to his actions. Maybe this should be expressed. This town needs turned around, start by getting the rift-raft out of the damn deptartment and maybe then the city can begin the cleanup with the ones who should be working, not being paid off by all the bullshit.

DRS said...

Well, i dunno....break the law, get fired, get hired elsewhere, get promoted....sounds perfect to me. Its not like you have to worried about your job performance here being worse that your last job, right?

Anonymous said...

Wrong, break the law, GET CAUGHT, then get fired, then get re-hired, then promoted. Only difference between him and others was getting caugt

DRS said...

Oooooops! Sorry. I forgot that this type of story can be applied to more than one officer here....sheesh, what was I thinking? What percentage does this apply to this week? Anyone out there keeping score? I have a score for you.....Bad adminstration-100, Good citizens-0. Sound abour right?

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Wow! Even I am going to leave that one alone. sounds like all that is needed there is for the confession to be signed...and a phone call to the Jerry Springer booking people...

The Enforcer said...

lets get back to the criminal chief and mayor leave the officers alone pleaseeee

Anonymous said...

Please Sir Blogger Can we leave the Police officers alone. Dont they deal with enough day in and day out Please remove that post Please.

DRS said...

I agree...back to the administration and oversight, following are some links that may help, much as I hate to have to suggest them....

They may not be the most desirable in police culture, but review boards can monitor administrations...just my two cents.

Anonymous said...

I agree with removing that post. The city officials really need to be punished for what they have done. What is in a police officers personal life needs to be left out of evrything unless they themselves have broken the law.